Staying Safe in Shanghai: 4 Tips to Avoid Chinese Bar Scams

Foreigners are often targeted in these dating and chinese bar scams. Learn 4 tips to stay vigilant and take necessary precautions to protect ourselves.

In today’s digital era, where technology has made it easier than ever to connect with people, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks that come with it.

Foreigners are often targeted in these dating app and chinese bar scams due to their unfamiliarity with local prices and customs. From dating app scams to drug-related incidents, it’s crucial to stay vigilant and take necessary precautions to protect ourselves.

In this blog post, we will explore some real-life stories and discuss practical steps to avoid falling victim to scams.

chinese bar scams

Chinese Bar Scams by Dating App:

Chinese bar scams are common scams in china, there have been numerous reports of people being scammed on dating apps. One particular story that caught our attention involved a girl requesting a meeting in the Nanjing Lu area, insisting on specific bars or restaurants.

However, it turned out to be a scam. The women suggest an expensive restaurant or bar, where the bill ends up being significantly higher than expected. The woman may have connections with the establishment and receives a cut of the inflated bill.

For example, an expat went out in Shanghai with someone they met on a dating site. They ordered a lot of drinks without checking the prices, assuming they were reasonable. However, at the end of the night, they realized that 900 yuan had been deducted from their card. They only received 4 cheap champagne bottles and 16 shots of Jagermeister shots.

When they asked for the receipt, it showed 11 bottles of champagne and the price was impostors. It was too late to do anything about it as it had already been paid for and both the bar workers and the person’s date were in on the scam.

It is prevalent in Shanghai that many people still fall for these scams, so here are several tips to protect yourself from being scammed:

  • be cautious with Chinese social apps;
  • choose a neutral place to meet someone and not to drink heavily on the first date when meeting someone online;
  • gather more information on the business and consider taking pictures of the places and write down the name and address;
  • report such incidents to the authorities. It is also advised to make sure the scammers know that you are not going away and they will have to settle with you
chinese bar scams

The Dangers of Drugs:

Another alarming story revolves around an expat whose child was unknowingly handed a bag of weed by a stranger in front of their international school. The child was caught with the drugs at 3 pm, and the expat husband was called to the scene.

He was given two options: take the next flight to Paris or face detention. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of educating ourselves and our loved ones about the potential dangers lurking in unexpected places.

Preventing Rip-Offs:

Expat needs to be careful to avoid being ripped off by taxi drivers. By taking photos or videos of the vehicle number and driver’s registration information, you can create evidence that may deter any ill-intentioned drivers.

It’s crucial to ensure that the driver sees you recording this information. Additionally, recording the driver’s face, even if pretending to take a selfie, can provide further protection.

Bottom line

As technology continues to advance, so do the risks associated with it. It’s essential to stay informed and take necessary precautions to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Whether it’s being cautious on dating apps, educating ourselves about the dangers of drugs, or taking steps to prevent rip-offs, we can all play a role in creating a safer digital environment. Check emergency numbers when living or traveling in Shanghai.

In the end, it’s crucial to trust our instincts and prioritize our safety above all else. By staying informed and taking proactive measures, we can minimize the risks and enjoy the benefits that technology brings. Let’s make the your stay at Shanghai safe and enjoyable.

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