Booking Train Ticket in Shanghai

This guide will walk you through the steps and options available for booking your train journey in Shanghai at TRIP app, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free travel experience.

Booking train tickets online in Shanghai, China, is a straightforward process that caters to both locals and international travelers. With the advent of digital platforms, such as the official 12306 app,, and WeChat Mini Programs, the procedure has become more accessible and user-friendly.

This guide will walk you through the steps and options available for booking your train journey in Shanghai at TRIP app, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free travel experience.

How to buy high-speed train using foreign passport

The TRIP app is Ctrip’s business software for overseas markets, and I believe it can be downloaded on all major platforms. It supports credit card payments in various currencies and also supports multiple languages!

On the main page, swipe left on the car rentals row, and you will see the train option. Currently, it supports train services in some regions such as South Korea, Europe, the UK, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc.

After selecting China, you can choose the departure and arrival locations, as well as the date. It seems that after selecting the date, you need to pre-purchase, which means ticket grabbing.

After choosing the desired train, you will enter the passenger information page, which supports various identities, such as passports, Home Return Permits, Taiwan Compatriot Permits, etc. It’s necessary to fill in the contact information and leave a usable email address, as the train ticket will be sent to this email. The last step is payment, which supports credit cards from various countries and also supports Apple Pay.

Personally, I have had a good experience using Trip. There are many discounts for booking hotels and flights, refunds are convenient, and the customer service within the app is very enthusiastic. Everyone can give it a try! This is not an advertisement, just sharing!

Comparison of Ticket Booking Platforms

  • It’s advised not to go to the train station for payments.
  • WeChat or Alipay can be used for fast and easy payments.
  • is recommended for foreigners due to customer service, especially for changes or refunds.
Website/App for Booking Train TicketsFeaturesPricesHow to Use Website– Reliable travel information and bookings
– Offers deals on flights, hotels, car rentals
– Travel guides and destination recommendations
– User-friendly interface
– Customer support
– Prices vary; compare and read reviews
– Sign up for newsletter for deals and promotions
– Loyalty program for frequent travelers
– Visit
– Sign up for updates
– Use the website for bookings and information App– User-friendly interface and easy navigation
– Real-time updates and notifications
– Exclusive deals for app users
– Book and manage travel plans
– Customer support
– Available for iOS and Android
– Exclusive app deals and discounts– Download the app on iOS or Android
– Use the app for booking and managing travel
Official 12306 App– Official app for train ticket bookings in China
– Avoids additional booking fees compared to third-party apps
– No booking fee if authorized at railway station– Get authorized at the railway station to use the app
– Use the app for booking train tickets
WeChat Mini Program– Cost-effective alternative for bookings
– Good customer service
– Supports Chinese and English
– Competitive pricing similar to
– Generally cheaper than trip apps– Access the mini program via WeChat Services
– Switch between languages as needed
CTrip (Chinese version of– Available only in Chinese
– Requires a 12306 account for fee-free booking
– No fee with a 12306 account– Use CTrip for bookings if you have a 12306 account
– Note that it’s only in Chinese

Check here for the transit of Shanghai Railway Station from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport

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